Tuesday, January 19, 2010



Assolatuwassalaam ala rasulillah…

Dear all readers…there’s been quite long I didn’t wrote in this blog. About 5 days I think or maybe 6 days I’ve left this blog without posting any cute news…I became so busy lately. Lots of works are chasing me. Even today, I’ve some little arguments with my little boss a.k.a. supervisor. Quite tense, the problem looks like simple but it gives big implication towards others works (and my works coz it makes me keeps editing the same file for a month!). I just want to make the work easier and He just doesn’t want me to make any changes and just follow what they’ve told. Even the instruction given by them has a mistake…

It’s ok ain…keep it up! Kita dah bgtau apa yg kita tahu tentang hal tu..sekarang terpulang pada dia untuk tentukan. Tapi kalau Kevin tgok mesti dia akan cakap “ Why Malay just follow what I’m said without searching the truth, even it is an error they just leave it?”

Pen off…see you with more “Tranquilly Post”..=)